Green Coffee Bean Extract Review (as seen on the Dr. Oz show)

Hi, my name is Marie and I tried everything to lose all the weight I had gained during my pregnancies. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to really make a long-term difference – that is until I tried green coffee bean extract.  With all this hype surrounding Green Coffee Bean Extract and losing weight, I decided to put the Green Coffee Bean Extract Diet to the test. And after four weeks of testing the effects, I reached a conclusion to what this diet is all about, and the results surprised me!

I lost 27 lbs in 4 weeks!

The benefits of the Green Coffee Bean Extract diet beat all of my initial skepticism. I discovered the diet not only helped with weight loss, but it seemed to boost energy levels, and also helped me sleep better and to wake up more well-rested.

Here is what I recorded in my journal:

Week 1: After one week on the diet I was surprised at the dramatic results. My energy level was up, and I wasn’t even hungry, an apparent side effect of the Green Coffee Bean Extract is that it curbs the appetite.

I honestly felt fantastic.

And I didn’t even change anything about my daily routine. On day 7 I got on the scale and couldn’t believe my eyes. I had lost 8 lbs. But I still wasn’t convinced as they say you lose a lot of water at the beginning of any diet. I wanted to wait and see the results in the upcoming weeks. But it sure was looking up!

Week 2: After two weeks I started the week off with even more energy and was actually sleeping more soundly than before. I was no longer waking up during the night and tossing and turning because my body was actually able to relax (this is a result of getting rid of the toxins I think). Plus I still managed to lose another 7 lbs, putting me at an unbelievable 15 lbs of weight loss, in just 2 weeks.

I must admit that I’m starting to believe that this diet is more than just a gimmick.

Week 3: After 3 weeks all my doubts and skepticism had absolutely vanished! I am down, 2 full dress sizes, after losing another 6 lbs. And I still have a ton of energy. Quite often, around the third week of other diets, you tend to run out of steam. But with the green coffee bean diet my energy levels don’t dip, but remain steady throughout the day. I no longer need that cat nap around 3pm in the afternoon! And I am even noticing that my stomach is digesting food so much better. No bloating or embarrassing gas after I eat!

Week 4: After the fourth week, my final results were shocking. I lost an unbelievable 27 lbs since starting the diet! Using the green coffee bean extract in week 4 I lost 6 more lbs.

I couldn’t be any happier with the results! I Lost 27 lbs in 4 Weeks and a total of 118 pounds ever since. No Special Diet, No Intense Exercise!!

Conclusion: Like me, you might be initially doubtful about the effects of this diet, but you need to try it for yourself; the results are real. I can see why Dr. Oz promoted this product. Other people really are finding success with it. And you have nothing to lose. Remember, some reputable companies are offering a FREE bottle of Green Coffee Bean. To see if you qualify, check out their website here

Good luck with your weight loss!

Here’s what Dr. Oz had to say about Green Coffee Bean Extract

Dr. Oz has said that his audience who took Green Coffee Bean extract DOUBLED their weight loss as compared to those who did not!

pure green coffee bean extract

In fact, a study found that the Green Coffee Bean diet pill leads to an average weight loss of 17 pounds in 22 weeks. Unlike other weight loss supplements, green coffee beans comes with an endorsement from celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz, who says it’s true: green coffee bean extract can help people lose weight.

Green coffee beans are coffee beans that have not been roasted. When coffee beans are roasted, the plant compound, chlorogenic acid, is broken down. It’s thought that the chlorogenic acid has an effect on limiting glucose absorption, which in turn helps reduce weight.

In a study presented at the American Chemical Society in San Diego, researchers found that 16 overweight men and women lost an average of 17 pounds in 22 weeks when taking green coffee beans in supplement form. Dr. Oz did his own study and found that dieting participants lost an average of two pounds per week when taking the extract, while those who did not lost an average of only one pound a week.

Oz didn’t single out any one product to recommend because he says he doesn’t want his name associated with any particular brand, but noted that people should look for green coffee beans extract with at least 45 percent chlorogenic acid. When looking at the ingredients, chlorogenic acid can be listed as GCA (green coffee antioxidant) or Svetol.

The extract should only be taken by adults who are 18 and older and not by women who are pregnant or breast-feeding.

Remember, not all Green Coffee Bean Extract is made the same. Check out the Official Website of Green Coffee Bean Extract

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